iDisciple: Serving online since 1999.

Our Ministry
New Hope Ministries/ is an outreach ministry seeking to encourage men and women of all backgrounds to consider entering into a true and lifelong relationship of commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Our means of reaching people is through the written word and online ministries to people around the world.

Our Purpose
The essence of our ministry can be summed up in the words of the Apostle Paul in Colossians 2:6-7. There he says: “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”

Our purpose is to support the local church in its effort to help others:
–Receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
–Embrace a lifelong walk with Christ, with hearts full of thanksgiving and praise to God.
–Become rooted in the Word of God and built up in the faith as presented in the teachings of the Bible.
–Become active and productive disciples of Christ in and through Bible believing local churches.

Our Motivation
The nature of our motivation is reflected in the words of Christ when He says in Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

New Hope Ministries/ is fueled by the desire to glorify God in all aspects of life, and to assist the local church in helping others do likewise!

Our Beliefs
The essence of our beliefs can be summed up in the following truths:
–The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures.
–The triunity of God, eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
–The Fall and natural depravity of man.
–Salvation by grace through faith alone, in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
–The literal, bodily resurrection, ascension and return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
–The eternal security of the believer and his assurance of salvation.
–The believer’s call to follow Christ and His ways, and to separate from worldliness, religious apostasy and all that would bring reproach upon our Lord.
–The Church is the Bride of Christ and is the primary means by which He seeks to further His Kingdom here on earth. As a result, ministries such as this must strive to encourage and strengthen Christ’s work in and through local churches faithful to the Word and work of God.

Our Online Ministry
Our online ministry seeks to accomplish and uphold the following goals:

Provide an informational exchange whereby God’s people from around the world can minister to one another through prayer, columns, sermons, poetry, online broadcasts and the like.

We strongly encourage lay people, pastors, authors and teachers to further your ministry outreach by submitting your information for publishing consideration to Our goal is to develop a large and broad volume of materials for viewers to use from those desiring to take part in this ministry.

The primary test for acceptance of a submission is biblical accuracy and practical value. Submissions that stray from God’s Word or maintain little or no practical value will not be published on

All aspects of the submission such as content accuracy, copyright permissions, and the like are the responsibility of individual submitting his or her work. Please make certain that all quotes, spelling and permissions are proper and in order.

Provide a practical and useful starting point for those interested in using the Internet.

We strive to provide links to useful Christian and non-Christian sites on the Internet. We strive to carefully review all sites we link to for content and practicality. Given the rapid pace with which the content of sites may change, we cannot guarantee viewers will not find some sort of offensive material or graphics on one of the sites we link to. In the event you notice a pattern of offensive material or graphics presented on a site we link to, please share this information with us. This will allow us to determine if the url should be removed from the site. Send the name of the site, the site address (Example: and a description of the offensive material. We will review its content as soon as possible. Send information to:

Please note: We do provide links to non-Christian sites for the purpose of news and research. We understand some secular sites may provide articles or opinions contrary to biblical teaching. Our purpose is not to support such teachings, simply to afford Christians with online resources that may help them attain the news and/or information they seek to obtain.

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
To view our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy click here.

Our Support
New Hope Ministries/ is an independent ministry finding its support in God’s faithful and ongoing provision.

Contact Information
For those wishing to contact us, you may do so by writing