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Government and American History Directory
Recommended Reading
America’s God & Country
Original Intent
Christianity & the Constitution
Faith of Our Founding Fathers
US Government
The White House
The Senate
The House of Representatives
Supreme Court
US Courts
National Governors Asso.
State Legislatures
Attorneys Generals
US Counties
US Mayors
Renew America
Our American Values
American Spectator
Gallup Polls
The Hill
National Review
Zogby Polls
New Republic
Media Research Center
Declaration of Independence
Constitution of the United States
Bill of Rights
Federalist Papers
The Founder’s Constitution
National Archives and Records Administration
LOC Research and Reference Services
Archiving Early America
Constitution Society
2000 Project Gutenberg
Museum of the American Revolution
US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Electronic Embassy
CountryWatch Data
Alliance Defending Freedom
Constituting America
PLEASE NOTE: iDisciple is not endorsing any institution or organization found on this page. The purpose of the page is simply to provide visitors with potential sites of interest associated with the given topic. Before supporting or giving to any institution or organization we encourage you to research the entity to make certain they are reputable and you are in agreement with what they stand for.